Sunday, February 27, 2011

History: Chapter 8 Outline

Nationalism and Economic Development

1.     The Era of Good Feeling
a.     Monroe= Fed
                                                                 i.     Whole nation= feds
1.     Brought a unified, victorious feeling after War of 1812
b.     Under the good feelings was bad stuff
                                                                 i.     Tensions caused by tariffs, nat’l bank, internal improvements, public land sales, and slavery
c.      Election of 1816- Panic of 1819
2.     James Monroe
a.     Madison’s successor, election of 1816
                                                                 i.     VI, Republican, won against Rufus King
b.     Acquisition of Florida, Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, Era of Good Feeling
3.     Cultural Nationalism
a.     Excited about westward expansion, little interest in European politics.
                                                                 i.     Patriotic themes, heroes of Revolution, shown in art, schools.
                                                                ii.     Would dominate in the 19th century.
4.     Economic Nationalism
a.     Tariff of 1816
                                                                 i.     Protected new industries built in America during war
                                                                ii.     Opposed by New England, had little manufacturing
                                                              iii.     Supported by South, even though they opposed tariffs in the past and will in the future.
b.     Henry Clay’s American System
                                                                 i.     From Kentucky
                                                                ii.     Protective tariffs
                                                              iii.     National Bank
                                                              iv.     Internal Improvements
1.     Band would benefit East
2.     Int. Improv. Growth for West and South
3.     Band aid economies for all
4.     Bank and tariffs already in play in 1816
5.     Different from Hamilton b/c of int. improv.
6.     Constitution did not say that gov’t could spend money on building roads and canals
a.     States left to make their own int. improv.
5.     Panic of 1819
a.     Mostly caused by 2nd Nat’l Bank
                                                                 i.     Tightened credit in late effort to control inflation
                                                                ii.     Caused deflation, put people in debt, bankruptcies, foreclosures in the west (hit hardest)
                                                              iii.     Nationalism deflated
                                                              iv.     Changed political views, called for land reform, opposition toward bank and debtor’s prisons.
6.     Political Changes
a.     Rapid decline of Federalist party
                                                                 i.     Didn’t move w/ needs of a growing nation
                                                                ii.     Didn’t elect candidate in 1820
b.     Changes in Republican Party
                                                                 i.     Some stayed w/ Repub. Ideas of limited gov’t and strict interpretation, most liked large army, navy, formally Fed ideas
                                                                ii.     Many strongly opposed tariffs
c.      Republicans would split into two parties
7.     Marshall’s Supreme Court and Central Government Powers
a.     Fletcher v. Peck 1810
b.     Martin v. Hunter’s Lease 1816
c.      Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819
d.     McCulloch v. Maryland 1819
e.     Cohens v. Virginia 1821
f.      Gibbons v. Ogden 1821
8.     Western Setllemment and the Missouri Compromise
a.     Reasons for Westward movement
                                                                 i.     Acquistion of Native American lands
                                                                ii.     Economic pressures
                                                              iii.     Improved Transporation
                                                              iv.     Immigrants
b.     New Questions and Issues
                                                                 i.     New states of west had small populations
1.     Cheap money
2.     Land available at low prices by gov’t
3.     Improved transportation
                                                                ii.     Slavery- yes or no?
1.     Missouri territory- slavery debate
c.      The Missouri Compromise
                                                                 i.     First to apply to statehood since Louisiana Purchase
                                                                ii.     North= scared b/c it would tip the gov’t in South’s favor
                                                              iii.     Tallmage amendment- slowly eliminated slavery in Missouri
                                                              iv.     Clay’s compromise
1.     Missouri= slave state
2.     Maine= free state
3.     Rest on 36*30’ north latitude line, only south allowed to have slavery
9.     Foreign Affairs
a.     Canada
                                                                 i.     Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)
1.     Under Monroe, Brits and US sign disarmament pact. 
a.     Limited naval army armament on Great Lakes
b.     Extended to border fortifications too
                                                                                                                       i.     Longest unfortified boundary
                                                                ii.     Treaty of 1818
1.     Improved relations b/w US and Brits
a.     Shared fishing rights off Newfoundland
b.     Joint occupation of Oregon Territory
b.     Florida
                                                                 i.     Jackson’s Military Campaign
1.     1817, commissioned to stop raiders, 1818 led militia, destroyed Seminole villages, hanged 2, captured Pensacola.
2.     Members of Congress afraid of war, brits didn’t interfere
                                                                ii.     Florida Purchase Treaty (1819)
1.     Spain turned over rest of Florida w/ all of east and Oregon Territory to US for 5 million, give up territorial claims in Texas
c.      Monroe Doctrine
                                                                 i.     British initiative
1.     Anglo-American agreement- not to intervene in South America.
2.     Monroe and advisors agreed, Adams thought it would limit US expansion, changed Monroe’s mind
                                                                ii.     Doctrine
1.     Says no European powers will colonize US, and US will oppose any attempt of Euros in getting US to interfere w/ affairs of republic in W. hemisphere.
                                                              iii.     Good response in US, soon forgotten, Britain angry, but agreed, other nations angry, but thwarted not by doctrine buy Brit Navy.
10. A National Econonomy
a.     Population Growth
                                                                 i.     B/w 1800 and 1825 population doubled, double again in next 25 years
1.     High birth rate, immigrants
b.     Transportation
                                                                 i.     Roads were built- PA Lancaster Turnpike
1.     Stimulated more contruction
                                                                ii.     Cumberland Road
1.     Funded by state and federal gov’t
                                                              iii.     Need more interstate roads
c.      Canals
                                                                 i.     Erie Canal- NY, 1825
1.     More canals made
d.     Steamboats
                                                                 i.     Started 1807 w/ Clermont on Hudson
e.     Railroads
                                                                 i.     Late 1820’s
11.  Growth of Industry
a.     US becomes industrial world leader by end of 19th century
b.     Mechanical Inventions
c.      Corporations for raising capital
d.     Factory system
e.     Labor
f.      Unions
g.     Unions
12. Commercial Agriculture
a.     Cheap land and easy credit
                                                                 i.     Western land was cheap by federal gov’t and state banks provided farmers with loans at low interest rates
b.     Market
                                                                 i.     Canals and railroads opened up new markets in the east
13. Cotton and the South
a.     Eli Whitney’s cotton gin made cash crop into cotton instead of tabacco and indigo.  Shipped mainly to Brits
14. Effects of the Market Revolution
a.     For most standard of living increased
b.     Adapting to the new economy had its problems
c.      Women
                                                                 i.     No longer worked besides husband at home/farms
                                                                ii.     Gained more freedom
d.     Economic and social mobility
                                                                 i.     Wages improved for most, but gap b/w rich and poor increased.
                                                                ii.     Social mobility possible, economic opportunities were greater than Europe.
                                                              iii.     Extreme examples of poor, hard-working people becoming millionaires were rare.
e.     Slavery
                                                                 i.     19th century- many felt slavery would gradually disappear..
                                                                ii.     Economically, it was becoming unfeasible
1.     Exhausted soil, ban of importation of slaves after 1808.

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