Monday, February 28, 2011

History: Chapter 22 Vocabulary

1.     Neutrality- US policy of not taking sides during WWI (and usually any other foreign wars)
2.     Submarine warfare- Subs were being used for navy battles, created disputes, sink opponents ships
3.     Lusitania- British ship sunk on May 7, 1915, first major crisis. 128 Americans drowned.  Wilson sends Germany a letter- holds them to “strict accountability”
4.     Sussex pledge- Arabic sunk, two Americans lost.  Wilson sends letter.  Sussex hit. US angry again, Germany promises not to sink merchant or passenger ships w/o warning, known as the Sussex pledge.
5.     Allied powers- Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Serbia, Greece, Albania, Montenegro
6.     Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
7.     Propaganda-US press, news, magazines, influence US public opinion important for war support
8.     Preparedness- US Army and Navy not ready for war.  National Security League organized business leaders to promote preparedness and to extend direct US aid to the Allies, if needed.  National Defense Act in June 1916.  Congress approves of the making of 50 warships in one year.
9.     Jeannette Rankin- Peace minded Progressive. First woman to be elected to Congress.  Campaigned against any military buildup.
10. Edward House- Wilson’s chief foreign policy advisor.  Sent to London, Paris, Berlin to negotiate a peace settlement- failed.  Wilson makes a speech to Senate declaring US “peace w/o victory”
11. Zimmermann telegram- Telegram from Germany to Mexico.  Proposed that Mex ally itself w/ Germany in return for Germany’s pledge to help Mex recover lost territories: TX, NM, and AR.  Nationalist anger of Americans, convinced Wilson that Germany fully expected a war w/ the US
12. Russian Revolution- US bothered by autocratic czar, but relived when revolutionaries overthrew the czar’s gov’t and proclaimed to be a republic.
13. Mobilization- US needed to mobilize it’s economic resources before Germans could do serious damage.  Industry and Labor altered.  War Industries Board, Fuel Administration, National War Labor Board, Liberty Bonds.
14. George Creel- Progeressvie journalist took charge of propaganda agency called the Committee of Public Information.  Enlisted voluntary services of artists, writers, vaudeville performers, movie starts to depict heroism of the soldiers and villainy of the Kaisers.  Way hysteria, American Protective League
15. War agencies
16. Espionage Act- 1917.  Imprisonment of up to 20 years for persons who either tried to incite rebellion in the armed forces or obstruct the operation of the draft.
17. Sedition Act- 1918.  Prohibited anyone from making “disloyal” or “abusive” remarks about the US gov’t.
18. Schenck vs. US- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded that the right to free speech could be limited when it represented a “clear and present danger” to the public safety.  Questioned constitutionality of the Espionage Act.  Man imprisoned for pamphlets against draft.
19. Selective Service Act- 1917.  Made by secretary of war Newton D. Baker.  Draft.  Provided about ½ of the Americans in the war.
20. Bolsheviks- Commie that took over Russia and took it out of war.
21. American Expeditionary Force- commanded by General John J. Pershing.  Became ind. Responsibility for the western front.
22. 14 Points- By Wilson.  Recog. Of freedom of the seas.  End of secret treaties.  Reduc. Of national armaments, nations being friendly w/ each other, etc.
23. Treaty of Versailles- June 1919.  End of the war and came to agreements.  Wanted revenge against Germany.
24. Big Four- Great Britain, France, Italy, US
25. David Lloyd George-Leader of Great Britain, met for the treaty of Versailles.
26. Georges Clemenceau- Leader of France, met for the treaty of veresailles
27. Vittorio Orlando- Leader of Italy, met for treaty of versailles
28. League of Nations- “A general association of nations… for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political ind. And territorial integrity to great and small states alike.”
29. Henry Cabot Lodge- Opponent of Wilson, leading Senate Republican.
30. Reservationists- said they could accept League if certain reservations were added toe the covenant.
31. Irreconcilables- about 12 Repub senators.  Could not accept US membership in the League.
32. Red Scare- Fear of the commies, fueled by Russia and Germany
33. Palmer raids- Mass arrests of anarchists from Nov 1919 to Jan             1920. 6000 people arrested, mostly foreign, including Emma Goldman.  Cause: unexplained bombings, Att. Gerneral A. Mitchell Palmer.
34. Emma Goldman- Deported w/ the Palmer raids.
35. Strikes; race riots- 1919- first major strike in Seattle, higher pay.  Labor unrest once again after the war.  Migration of Af. Ams increased racial tensions in the north.  Competition for jobs, violence, worst in Chicago, no better in the south.

History: Chapter 24 Outline

The Nation At War

1.            A New World Power
a.            “I took the Canal Zone”
                                                                                               i.         Theodore Roosevelt spent presidency prepping nation for world power.
1.            Worked w/ Secretary of War Elihu Root
a.            Modernized army
b.            Est. the Army War College
                                                                                             ii.         Wanted canal link to the Atlantic an dPacific oceans across the isthmus connecting North and South America.
1.            Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
a.            Let US make/control canal
                                                                                                                                                                                                           i.         Free and open to ships of all nations
2.            Hay-Herran Convention (1903) gave US a 99 year lease on canal.  Exchange: US pay Colombia $10 million and annual rental of $250,000.
3.            Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
a.            Panama granted US control of a canal zone 10 miles across the Isthmus of Panama.
b.            In return US guaranteed the independence of Panama and agreed to pay the same fees offered Colombia.
b.            The Roosevelt Corollary
                                                                                               i.         ­­­­­Interests in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the canal led US to dev’p a Caribbean policy to insure its dominance in the region.
                                                                                             ii.         Roosevelt Corollary
1.            Warned Latin American countries tokeep their affairs in order or face American intervention
c.            Ventures in the Far East
                                                                                               i.         Japan
1.            Taft-Katsura Agreement (1905)
a.            Relationship strains b/w US and Japan
2.            “Gentlemen’s Agreement” (1907)
d.            Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
                                                                                               i.         Promote American financial and business interests abroad.
1.            Taft
2.            Also followed some of Roosevelt’s policies
2.            Foreign Policy Under Wilson
a.            Conducting Moral Diplomacy
                                                                                               i.         William Jennings Bryan
1.            Pacifist, help less favored nations
                                                                                             ii.         “Cooling off” treaties
                                                                                           iii.         Apologized for Roosevelt’s Panamanian policy.
                                                                                           iv.         By 1917- Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Cuba all US dependant.
b.            Troubles Across the Border
                                                                                               i.         Mexico
1.            Porfirio Diaz- overthrown
2.            Troubled countries- a lot of revolutions/wars
3.            Huerta/Madero/Pancho Villa
3.            Toward War
a.            The Neutrality Policy
                                                                                               i.         Didn’t want to get into the war
                                                                                             ii.         Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, La Follete
                                                                                           iii.         Immigrants took sides
1.            Most w/ the Allies, blamed Germans
b.            Freedom of the Seas
                                                                                               i.         Navy disputes
1.            Brits blockade Germans
2.            Wilson protest against infringement on neurtral rights
3.            Loans to Allies
c.            The U-boat Threat
                                                                                               i.         “Wanton Act”
                                                                                             ii.         Submarines
                                                                                           iii.         Lusitania and Arabic
                                                                                           iv.         Sussex
d.            “He Kept Us Out of War”
                                                                                               i.         Wilson- “yellow”
                                                                                             ii.         Wison reelected
e.            The Final Months of Peace
                                                                                               i.         December 1916- “full force of US to end war”
                                                                                             ii.         April 2, 1917- Declaration of war
4.            Over There
a.            Mobilization
                                                                                               i.         US not ready for war.
                                                                                             ii.         Tried voluntary army
                                                                                           iii.         Selective Service Act (May 1917)
b.            War in the Trenches
c.            Sep. 1918- Verdun, Meuse River, Argonne Forest
                                                                                               i.         War lost
                                                                                             ii.         Oct. 6, 1918 Germany appealed to Wilson for armistice.
1.            Nov. 11 Germany signed to armistice
5.            Over Here
a.            The Conquest of Convictions
                                                                                               i.         Committee on Public Information
                                                                                             ii.         Propaganda, anti-German
                                                                                           iii.         Espionage Act of 1917
                                                                                           iv.         Sedition Act
b.            A Bureaucratic War
                                                                                               i.         War Industries Board
1.            Bernard M. Baruch
                                                                                             ii.         Food Administration
1.            Herbert Hoover
c.            Labor in the War
                                                                                               i.         AFL
                                                                                             ii.         War Committee on Labor
                                                                                           iii.         War Labor Board
1.            Women be paid equal wages for equal work
                                                                                           iv.         Women take on new role
1.            Jobs filled by women and also Af. Ams.
2.            Racial tensions increased as well
                                                                                             v.         By the end of the war, US the strongest economic power
1.            Savings, efforts by the people, etc.
6.            The Treaty of Versailles
a.            A Peace at Paris
                                                                                               i.         Wilson’s 14 Points
                                                                                             ii.         Peace Conference at Paris
1.            June 28, 1919- Treaty signed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles
b.            Rejection in the Senate
                                                                                               i.         Dispute in the League of Nations
                                                                                             ii.         Wilson gets stroke
                                                                                           iii.         Treaty failed w/ Lodge reservation on Nov. 19.